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So it might surprise country-music fans that, during his first visit to
the JOHN F. KENNEDYCenter for the Performing Arts since appointing
himself the Center's board chairman, Trump told the other members of
his newly assembled board (The Donald fired most of the old guard,
including the former board chair, replacing them with his cronies)
that, prior to his parents' sending their incorrigible 13-year-old son
off to boarding school, MARY ANNE and FRED TRUMP ordered an
aptitude test for their fourth of five children.
The results of the test? "I have a high aptitude for music.
"Can you believe that? That's why I love music."
Whether it was because a creative was not supported in a household
that prized business acumen, or merely coincidental, the teen was
shipped off to New York
Military Academy.
For the best seats you'll want to order tickets ASAP. "Plus, when
you order by April 7, 2025 you'll receive a FREE bonus concert and
half-price package handling fees. As a subscriber, you'll enjoy
exclusive benefits including pre-sale access to every concert, priority
seating, ticket discounts throughout the year, waived exchange fees,
flexible payment plans, priority and discounted parking- and more!"
Today, Michael may be recognized by younger country-music fans as TREY TWITTY's father, but foodies may be confusing Michael with "the other" MICHAEL TWITTY!
MEL McDANIEL is well-remembered not only by his fans and those of us who worked with him (I was Mel's publicist during the Top Billing days) but also by LOUISE WYMAN DAVIS.
Louise recalls that "Mel and I dated in high school and I got to sit at
the girlfriend's table at the gigs they played [sic].
"He was more like the blond ELVIS at the time, but found his country niche soon.
"The next time I saw him after his career took off was at Mel McDaniel Day in Okmulgee, Oklahoma. We hung out after and got a tour of his new tour bus.
"Then, years later, he was headlining at Billy Bob's Texas and invited me backstage.
"I always knew he'd go far with that load of talent he possessed. And a fine human being to boot!"