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Stacy's DNA Kin

Jodi Eckman

Age 50s

From USA

1.4% shared DNA

3rd cousin- 3rd cousin-once removed

Jodi Eckman appears on a family tree with 6 people that she manages.


Lois Edelstein

Age 70s

0.9% shared DNA  (61.7 cM)

3rd cousin- 3rd cousin-once removed

Lois Edelstein appears on a family tree with 2,317 people managed by Michael Klein from the U.S.A.

Sergey Efros

Age 60s

From Germany

1.6% shared DNA (112.7 cM)

2nd cousin- 3rd cousin-once removed


Robin Einstein Robin Einstein

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

0.9% shared DNA (62.8 cM)

3rd - 5th cousin

Robin Einstein appears on a family tree with 491 people managed by J. Einstein from the U.S.A.

Dennis Eisen

Age 80s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (89.3 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Dennis Eisen appears on a family tree with 188 people managed by Janice Weinberger from the U.S.A.

Etti Eisenberg

Age 80s

From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (72.2 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Etti Eisenberg appears on a family tree with 23 people that manages by Efrat Cohen from the U.S.A.

Maija E. Eisenberg

Age 20 or below

From the U.S.A.

0.8% shared DNA (59.8 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Maija E. Eisenberg appears on a family tree with 1 person that she manages.  

Ed Eisner 

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (72.3 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin

Ed Eisner appears on a family tree with 131 people that he manages


Phil Eizenberg

Age 60s

From Australia

1.2% shared DNA (83.7 cM)


Eloise Elfassy

Age 20s

From France

1.0 shared DNA (68.6 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Eloise Elfassy appears on a family tree with 1 person that she manages.

Ben Ellis

Age 40s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (86.0 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Ben Ellis appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages.

Frank Ellis

Age 70s

From USA

0.9% shared DNA (63.0 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin

Peter Emanuel

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (91.2 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin

Peter Emanuel appears on a family tree with 69 people that he manages. 

Gayle Emen

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (86.3 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin

Gayle Emen appears on a family tree with 110 people that she manages.


Dr. Ilja Engels

Age 70s

1.8% shared DNA (126.3 cM)

2nd- 2nd cousin once-removed

Dr. Ilja Engels appears on a family tree with 393 people managed by Gregory Engels from Germany.

Seth Entin

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (74.7 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Seth Entin appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages.

Brandon Epstein

Age 20s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (83.7 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Brandon Epstein appears on a family tree with 16 people that he manages.

Paula Espinosa

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

0.9% shared DNA (63.0 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Lyle Esterkyn

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (74.9 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Lyle Esterkyn appears on a family tree with 15 people managed by Gina Esterkyn from the U.S.A.

Gene Evans (female)

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (82.4 cM)

2nd-5th cousin

Gene Evans appears on a family tree with 11 people that she manages.

Gila Rose Evans

Age 20 or below

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (75.7 cM)

3rd-5th cousin

Gila Rose Evans appears on a family tree with 267 people managed by Dahlia Evans from the U.S.A.  

Gloria Evans

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

.08% shared DNA (56.4 cM)

3rd-5th cousin

Gloria Evans appears on a family tree with 2 people managed by Harvey Evans from the U.S.A.

Robin Evans

Age 60s

From France

1.4% shared DNA (96.7 cM)

2nd- 3rd cousin once-removed

Robin Evans appears on a family tree with 7 people that she manages.


Sandra Evans

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (88.5 cM)

2nd-4th cousin

Sandra Evans appears on a family tree with 1 person that she manages.


Marina Eydelman

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (78.8 cM)

2nd-5th cousin

Marina Eydelman appears on a family tree with 7 people that she manages.

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  • Then feel free to respond to Stacy by clicking
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