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Stacy's DNA Kin

Nick A.
Age 40s
From Canada
1.0% shared DNA (72.8 cM)
2nd- 5th cousin 
Nick A. appears on a family tree with 3 people that he manages.
Daniel Abadee

Age 20s
From Australia
(George Abadee’s great-nephew- 1st cousin, 1st cousin once-removed )
1.2% shared DNA (85.1 cM)
3rd- 5th cousin 
George Abadee

Age 70s
(Daniel Abadee’s great-uncle- 1st cousin- 1st cousin, once removed)
From Australia
1.2% shared DNA (85.1 cM)
1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin 
Ernest Abers
Age 80s or above
0.8% shared DNA (57.9 cM)
3rd- 5th cousin 
Ernest Abers appears on a family tree with 11 people, managed by Seth Nasitir from the U.S.A.


Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (87.3 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin

Misha Abov (son of Inessa Fongauz) appears on a family tree with 248 people managed by Yevgeny Abov from the U.S.A.

Fiona Abrahams

Age 40s

From Great Britain

1.1% shared DNA (76.6 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin


Jordan Abrahamson

Age 20s

From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (67.4 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Jordan Abrahamson (Paula Abrahamson’s son, Marielle Abrahamson’s brother) appears on a family tree with one person that he manages.


Marielle Abrahamson

Age 20s

From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (76.6 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Marielle Abrahamson (Paula Abrahamson’s daughter, Jordan Abrahamson’s sister) appears on a family tree with one person that she manages.


Paula Abrahamson

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

0.8% shared DNA (59.2 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Paula Abrahamson (Marielle Abrahamson’s mother, Jordan Abrahamson’s mother) appears on a family tree with one person that she manages.

Meyer Abrams

Age 80s

1.1% shared DNA (74.9 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Meyer Abrama appears on a family tree with 21 people managed by C. Eber from the U.S.A.


Amanda Ackerman

Age 30s

1.3% shared DNA (88.5 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Amanda Ackerman appears on a family tree with 1 person that she manages.

Andrew Ackerman
Age 70s
1.5% shared DNA (105.8 cM)
1st cousin twice-removed- 3rd cousin once-removed 
Andrew Ackerman appears on a family tree with 7 people, managed by Judy Ackerman from the U.S.A.

Shemi Adamson

2nd- 4th cousin 
Shemi Adams appears on a family tree with one person that he manages.
Mark Addleman
Age 40s
From Great Britain
DNA managed by Gil Bardige
0.8% shared DNA (56.7 cM)
2nd- 4th cousin 

Ann Adenbaum

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (82.2 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Bonnie Adler

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (79.9 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Bonnie Adler appears on a family tree with 6 people that she manages.

David Adler
From Great Britain
0.7% shared DNA (53.0 cM)
2nd- 4th cousin
David Adler appears on a family tree with 7 people that he manages.


Jeffrey Adler

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (88.9 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Jeffrey Adler appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages.


Stefanie Adler
Age 50s
From the U.S.A.
1.1% shared DNA (79.7 cM)
1st cousin twice-removed- 5th cousin
Stefanie Adler appears on a family tree with 8 people that she manages.

Havas Agnes
Age 40s
From Hungary
1.2% shared DNA (83.5 cM)
2nd- 5th cousin 
Havas Agness appears on a family tree with 51 people that she manages.

Jacob Ailenberg

1.1% shared DNA (80.2 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin 

Kim Ainsley

Age 50s

0.8% shared DNA (55.1 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin 

Kim Ainsley appears on a family tree with 9 people managed by Sarah Ainsley from the United Kingdom.

Harold Alexander

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (93.8 cM)

2nd- 3rd cousin once-removed 

Harold Alexander appears on a family tree with 4009 people managed by Lynne Porat from Israel.

Judith Alexander

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.3% shared DNA (89.5 cM)

2nd- 4th cousin 

Judith Alexander appears on a family tree with 10 people that she manages.

Biankah Alfandari
Age 20s
From Israel
1.0% shared DNA (71.4 cM)
2nd- 4th cousin 
Bianca Alfandari appears on a family tree with 13 people that she manages

Eveline Alperowitch

Age 70s

From Brazil

0.9% shared DNA (66.1 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin

Eveline Alperowitch appears on a family tree with 25 people that she manages.

Eugene Alpert
Age 60s
From the U.S.A.
1.0% shared DNA (71.7 cM)
2nd- 5th cousin 


Ilya Aluker

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (68.7 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin 

Ilya Aluker appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages.

Matthew Ames
Age 30s
From the U.S.A.
1.3% shared DNA (93.3 cM)
1st cousin twice-removed- 3rd cousin once-removed 
Matthew Ames appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages

Melody Amsel-Arieli
Age 60s
From Israel
1.3% shared DNA (91.7 cM)
2nd- 3rd cousin once-removed
Melody Amsel-Arieli appears on a family tree with 2,814 people that she manages.

Barb Amster

Age 70s

From the U.S.A.

1.2% shared DNA (86.6 cM)

1st cousin twice-removed- 4th cousin

Randi Andosca

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

DNA managed by Gil Bardige

1.1% shared DNA (80.5 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Randi Andosca appears on a family tree with one person that she manages.


Olga Andrews
Age 70s
From Germany
DNA managed by Gil Bardige
0.8% shared DNA (58.7 cM)
2nd- 4th cousin

Michael Andron

Age 60s

1.0% shared DNA (68.6 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin

Michael Andron appears on a family tree with 4 people managed by Lillian Andron from the U.S.A.

Robert Aptaker

Age 70s

From France

1.1% shared DNA (76.2 cM)

2nd cousin- 5th cousin   

Robert Aptaker appears on a family tree with 7 people that he manages.

Martine Arenella

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

0.9% shared DNA (66.7 cM)

2nd - 5th cousin   

Martine Arenella appears on a family tree with 2 people that she manages.

Victor Armony

From Canada

1.0% shared DNA (67.2 cM)

3rd - 5th cousin   

Victor Armony appears on a family tree with 96 people that he manages.


Kenneth Aronson

Age 60s

From the U.S.A.

1.5% shared DNA (105.3 cM)

2nd cousin- 2nd cousin once-removed 

Kenneth Aronson appears on a family tree with 1 person that he manages.


Robert Aronson

Age 50s

From the U.S.A.

1.1% shared DNA (81.1 cM)

2nd- 5th cousin 

Robert Aronson appears on a family tree with 149 people that he manages.

Kim Arrothoma
Age 30s
0.7% shared DNA (52.6 cM)
3rd- 5th cousin
Kim Arrothomas appears on a family tree with 3 people managed by Marley Monagentias (Kim's mother) from Canada

Brenda Ascher

Age 80s

From the U.S.A.

0.9% shared DNA (62.9 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin 

Brenda Ascher appears on a family tree with 23 people that she manages.

Charlotte Atlas
Age 50s
From Sweden
1.1 shared DNA (78.3 cM)
3rd- 5th cousin
Charlotte Atlas appears on a family tree with 393 people that she manages. 

Julie Auslander

1.2% shared DNA (88.1 cM)

1st cousin twice–removed - 4th cousin

Julie Auslander appears on a family tree with 328 people managed by Terri Lewis from the U.S.A.

Alla Axelrod
Age 60s
From the U.S.A.

1.0% shared DNA (68.2 cM)

3rd- 5th cousin 

Alla Axelrod appears on a family tree with 7 people that she manages.

Beth Azaroff
Age 80 or above
From USA
0.6% shared DNA (58.7 cM)
3rd- 4th cousin
Beth Azaroff appears on a family tree with 6 people that she manages.

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  • Then feel free to respond to Stacy by clicking
  • here. 

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